Thursday 11 November 2010

Advertising Concepts

Came up with two ideas, one of which i like considerably more than the other.

Idea 1: Boring Postcards

Found a book in the library called 'boring postcards', and it was just a collection of postcards that had really boring photos on them, like a photo of a tower block or something.

The idea of a postcard in itself is pretty fucking boring, the way you get a photo of what is basically a quick snap or some badly thought though idea of a monkey wearing a hat which bares some slight relevance to something slightly relevant to what initial theme was, with 'wish you were here' just placed arbitrarily in the corner or something equally cliched.

The idea would be to kind of subvert this, using 'anti postcard' pictures with 'anti postcard' tag lines. will think of examples.

There is a lot of thought needed on this but as a concept i can see it going somewhere

Idea 2: Famous quotes

I have been told my strengths are in typography, layout and neutrality. I quite agree with this, so I may as well use it to my advantage.

The idea would be to get famous quotes about Manchester, using typography and their positioning to re enforce their message.

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