Wednesday 23 February 2011

New and More up to date blogs

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, here are links to my more current projects that will be kept more up to date

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Holidays in the Sun/Studio

Been very busy the last two days trying to find work placement for next summer for studio experience. Tried every where new york london berlin. Even managed to speak to Tobias at Hofler-Fere Jones
I must have sent at least 100 emails and made double that about of calls, just look at my out box

Finally paid off though Cuckoo just up from uni have said they'll take me on for a two week placement, hopefully it'll be the first of many offers

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Face Lift Extended

For my personal project i'm creating a typeface, combining non latin (Chinese) and neutral latin alphabets. I'm about half way through and i'd love some feedback on it if any one has time to have a quick look over it.

PS All the letters arent sized quite right yet but they will be when its finished. Also if anyone has any ideas for curved letters like C & S i'd love to hear them.

Also i havent thought of a name so suggestions for that would be nice too